My Private Tutor
​Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
Best way to contact me is Anitaserbanescu@gmail.com
847-380-3017 Please leave mess. or text
Give your child the tools to succeed!
Schedule Now for...private and in person session
After School, Weekend or Summer Sessions!!
Tutoring available at My Home.
***I do NOT wear a mask, and
I will NOT require anyone else to.***
Please contact me only if you are ok with this!
Level 2nd - 8th Grade

"It takes about 10,000 hours of practice to learn and to master a new motor skill" Laura Boyd.
"Knowledge is Power", Francis Bacon
"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice" Anton Chekhov.
Proven Success: 90%
grade improvement;
75% higher test scores

Tutoring will prepare your child for tests and exams, while tutors work with your child on specific problem areas. Your child’s grades and understanding of the subject will significantly improve when working with a tutor.
Customized ​Learning

Tutoring gives students individualized attention that they don’t get in a crowded classroom. This helps children who struggle to keep up, as well as those who aren’t challenged enough. It also keeps students on track during breaks from school, such as during Spring Break, or during the summer.
Different Students
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

There are many reasons parents choose tutoring for their children. Some parents feel unable to help their children with schoolwork. Others may find their children are more receptive to working through school struggles with another person. Tutoring can help strengthen subject comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills.
How Tutoring
Actually Helps

Learning will become fun for your child. With constant encouragement and praise, your child will no longer feel overwhelmed or frustrated with school.
Your child’s self-esteem and confidence will increase through tutoring, by providing him or her with the resources and skills he or she needs to excel in school.
Tutoring provides an environment free of distractions, with fewer students and disruptions around so your child is better able to focus on learning.
Your child will gain the ability to do school work on his or her own, without your help. Your child will realize his or her own personal growth and will learn to take responsibilities for his or her studies.